MOVING DAY: 05/02/2015
Walking into new property for the first time always felt like opening a brand new present. Granted, this was only the second time Clive had ever invested in real estate that wasn't an actual home, but at this point, the feeling was both routine and exciting. If you asked him, he'd insist that opening a new business had the same addictive rush of going in for a new tattoo. (However, as he's never had tattoos himself, he'd be first to admit it's a baseless assumption.)

The property used to be a shop that specialized in daredevil hot sauces, so the walls were painted shades of habanero red. When Clive was first allowed into the building, he felt as if he were in a giant bottle of Tabasco, the slight smell of vinegar and corn chips still lingering in the air from the endless free samples of 'Sphincter Shrinker' and 'Insanity Sauce'. The property manager - a guy named Nate - insisted that once he moved in, no one would be able to notice it anymore. Clive certainly hoped so.

"So I was thinking maybe we should cover all of this up with a basic paint then hit up some estate sales for some cool wallpaper."

His younger sister, Hanna, had come along with him and had plenty to say when it came to the creative direction of the cafe. She had been working beside him ever since the start of his first restaurant and - thanks to Josie's influence - learned quite a lot about unique design points and creating an atmosphere.

"If we're doing wallpaper, don't get too crazy though. This is supposed to be a cool Melrose spot. I was thinking exposed brick, hardwood floors--"

"Hey, this is kind of cool."

All that Clive had been saying went through one ear and out the other as Hanna moved to the other side of the room, picking up a small stub of white chalk that had fallen onto the floor and beginning to draw a long spiral on the blank wall. The wall had been covered with a few layers of chalkboard paint, and the previous tenants used it to write down upcoming events the store was offering. At first, it simply boasted: 'Eagle Rock Brewery BEER + HOT SAUCE & APPETIZER TASTING', but now touched up with a few added squiggles, stick figure cats, and a 'HANNA JUNG WUZ HERE'.

"Maybe we could extend it out more and use it as a general menu board. Or is that tacky..."

Their attention quickly moved to the sound of the property manager coming out of the store's backroom, where he had been for quite some time while making a series of calls. Hanna self-consciously put the piece of chalk back down on a counter space, opting instead to cross her arms in front of her as he began talking.

"Just got off the phone with one of my buddies," Nate announced in an unmistakable Venice Beach drawl, sounding like a combination of Dave Coulier and The Dude. "He'll be out here Wednesday morning to replace some of the cracked tiles in the back, and then you'll be good to go."

"Awesome. That's terrific. Thanks so much, man."

Hanna couldn't help but smirk to herself when Clive responded. From throwing out words like 'man' and speaking just a half-step lower, there was definitely a type of persona he took on when trying to play 'buddy' with young white guys. Clive, however, didn't ever really seem to notice, as it was a habit he'd acquired back in his preteen days that he'd never quite shaken off.

"So, here are the keys. Trash guys come once a day around noon. Your mailbox is #2."

For Nate, it was just another day in working with tenants, and he was quick to put the keys in Clive's hand. But for Clive, it was extremely special, as if he was getting a new child, a new car, or some sort of exotic pet. If Tomie was there, he knew she'd be able to pick up on his 'dorky' excitement. And as Nate and the two Jung siblings exchanged their goodbyes, Clive couldn't help but feel a rush from all the new responsibility and unknown ahead of him.

Hanna picked up the chalk again: 'Do Re Mi Bakery & Cafe', 'Opening Soon', and a heart.